Foto Friday: Joy!

This past holiday weekend was a sad one for a lot of us: some of our friends lost their homes in the tornados in the U.S.  In what may or may not become a regular feature, I dedicate this week’s photos to them:

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Donations to the relief effort can be sent to the American Red Cross.

UpdateMay 30, 2011: Another post of Amy’s can be found here.


Filed under family, photos

37 responses to “Foto Friday: Joy!

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your friends’ loss, Wendy.
    I like the idea of Foto Friday, and what a fitting tribute/kickoff. These are terrific. I love the leaping and am so impressed that Jim could snap a photo whilst being mauled by livestock. What concentration!

  2. Leanne Shirtliffe (Ironic Mom)

    I love this pictures. They remind me of two of my favourite things: (1) swinging, especially on swings that descend from big trees (barefoot is best), (2) standing in grass (barefoot again) — love the pics of siblings fooling around.

    And a nice dedication. Timely.

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your friends, Wendy. It’s been a rough spring in the South and Midwest. We’ve had one storm after another.

  4. The weather has been so cruel this year. I think that cow is a hussy!


  5. Nice to see smiles, Wendy. Thanks for the treat! ~ Lenore

  6. I love the one of Brianna and Hope running and leaping through the meadow. Such joyous photos! You must be beaming proud of your family. And how nice to dedicate today’s post to the victims of the tornadoes.

  7. Great pics Wendy! 🙂

  8. All I do these days is send money to the Red Cross- can they send just send me a card for my key ring? The tornadoes ripped up my home state and left my alma mater in ruins and some of my friends homeless. I know how this feels on many fronts Wendy. Thanks for the link to make the giving easier, drawing attention to the closeness of it all, and then for making us laugh with the pictures!

  9. Love the photos. I do hope your friends are safe and sound.

  10. jacquelincangro

    Fun fotos, Wendy, especially the one of Jim and the cow. They provide much needed levity during this sad time for your friends. I’m sorry to hear about their loss, but glad they are okay.

  11. What a wonderful idea–thanks for sharing, Wendy. Keep us posted on your dear friends.

  12. I’m so sorry to hear about your friends! How sad! But the photos are great, Wendy! Really fun!

  13. Jeanne Heuer

    Purple boots and a pink sock! Great pics, I may steal that idea of a photo day.

  14. That’s positively heartbreaking to hear about your friends, I hope they aren’t hurt and my heart goes out to them for all they’ve lost 😦 Lovely idea with the photo tribute…

    • Glad you liked the photos, Emily…my friends are physically okay, but have lost people they know. They have spent the week cleaning up what’s left of their home (roof is gone)…vehicles were also destroyed. Thanks for your concern. Wendy

  15. izziedarling

    Hey Wendy – I’m so sorry for your friends and those they have lost. You do them great honor with this post and the happy photos. xo iz

  16. Just read Amy’s story. How sad that so many have lost so much. Loved the Friday Fotos. Hope you keep them up. Always fun to see. Have a great weekend what’s left of it.

  17. I am sorry about your friends’ loss…I can’t imagine such devastation. It’s been a really trying time, dealing with Nature, lately…

    Lovely photos…nice to see smiles.

    • Thanks, Jane…I’ve been complaining about all the rain we’re getting here…I should be grateful for the roof over my head! Glad you liked the photos! Hugs, Wendy

  18. Pingback: And there is joy | Life From The Trenches

  19. It really seems like Nature is furious with us humans these days doesn’t it. My prayers and best wishes to all those who are going through this tough time. I think your dedication is wonderful and I’m loving the tongue action 😛

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