Statistics, Sewage, Slippers, Sales and Shepherd’s Pie…NEW POST!

It’s Monday morning, and I have the day off from my job at the Saint John City Market…here’s a wrapup of my week:

1. Statistics.  I’ve worked very hard since I started my blog in March of 2010 to build up my readership to a pretty good level.  Since I started my new job on June 8th, I’ve been running about a week behind on my reading of other people’s blogs…consequently, my stats are in the toilet (if I knew how to do a sad face emoticon right now, I almost might do it!).  I thought that running archive posts would help fill in the gaps and keep people coming back, but I was wrong!  I really wish there were 48 hours in the day, so that I could keep up with my reading!

2. Sewage.  The new septic field saga continues: Our landlord came over to get the rent on Tuesday night, and was horrified to see the mess that the contractors had made of our back yard!  He could not believe that they had left the fence down on two sides (he also has first-hand experience with deer in his garden), or that they hadn’t started the landscaping yet.  He was leaving on vacation on Friday, but promised to send someone over to remedy the situation immediately.  When we got home on Thursday, someone had made a half-assed attempt to put my bent and broken fence (what was left of it) back up, but the yard was still open.  There was also a pile of topsoil in the side yard.

Later that evening, Anna was having a shower and the toilet in that bathroom started bubbling and overflowing.  I plunged it and plunged it, but couldn’t get anything to go down!  The toilet in the other downstairs bathroom would not drain either, and Dad said he had heard it bubbling that morning while I was in the shower upstairs.  We called the landlord again, and explained the problem.  He got the guys who’d installed the septic field to come right over.  They dug with shovels down into the ground to check the new system…they snaked it 60 feet to the house and didn’t find any blockage.  Then they went down into the basement to check the pipes down there.  Unfortunately, they were not equipped to open the main drainpipe (didn’t have the right wrench), but advised that they’d get the landlord to call a plumber for us.  By 8:30, there was no sign of a plumber, and we called the landlord again.  He told us that the guy would be there first thing in the morning.  We all packed up our stuff and headed over to Jim’s parents’ house for the night…Jim would come home in the morning to let the plumber in.  Anna was happy to be able to finish her shower, and rinse the shampoo out of her hair!

The next day, I was at work when Jim called to report the plumber’s findings: tampons being flushed down the toilet (not by me!) had completely blocked the pipe.  Problem solved!

3. Slippers.  I was so tired one day last week that I almost left my house for work in the morning wearing my slippers…luckily, I noticed before I got to the car, and changed into sandals!  Earlier in the week, I had attempted to call my boss…realized that the number I’d dialled was my other line after it rang in my office!  It’s a good thing I work solo!

4. Sales.  Dad had an excellent day in the bookstore on Saturday while I was at work…a couple came in and bought over $1000 worth of books (even after a 20% discount)!  Unfortunately, they also left the shelves in a major upheaval, something I will have to remedy today (after I photograph five boxes of books, and put them away along with six more boxes!).

5. Shepherd’s Pie.   Kaylee, Scott and Elise came over yesterday for supper…I was happy to see my “Puddin’ Pop” after not seeing her for three weeks!  I made a huge Shepherd’s Pie (forgot to take a picture), and served the first green salad of the season from my garden (supplemented with baby spinach – didn’t have quite enough leaves).  I gave Elise the new shoes I’d picked up for her at the Quispamsis Yard Sale a few weeks ago, as well as a sweet little dress that called to me in Zellers, and a Canada Day T-shirt I got at Superstore yesterday.  Elise calls Jake now when she drops something for him, and tried to share her snack crackers with her new “best buddy.”  I think he’s liking her better now.

Elise with a big rock she found in my back by Anna...


Anna had planned to make a berry trifle for dessert, but the kids arrived just as we got back from the grocery store, and Anna preferred to spend her time playing with Elise instead of cooking!  It might get made today…

6. Bonus.  I am no longer a “Twitter virgin”…I tweeted twice on Saturday for events going on at the Market.  It was pouring outside, and I encouraged people to come in out of the rain and meet their friends!  I don’t know if I’ll do Twitter for the bookstore or personally…I find there’s a lot of useless stuff being posted!

I hope everybody has an excellent week…will post a couple more from the archives, and then be back with a new post either Sunday or Monday.  Happy Canada Day, eh!


Filed under blogging, books, family, food

54 responses to “Statistics, Sewage, Slippers, Sales and Shepherd’s Pie…NEW POST!

  1. I have also finally succumbed to the Twit. Ian did it first though, so I held out longer. Yes, there IS a lot of useless stuff being posted there. I thought that was what Twitter was for…?

    • Probably…I felt compelled to continue the Twitter tradition established by my predecessor at the Market, Suzanne…I tried to be a little bit original in my tweets though… Wendy

  2. Funny you should say that about reposting old stories. I’ve seen the same thing. I don’t do that often, but when I do, I see a big drop in the number of hits. I think the lesson is that people read blogs to find out what’s happening RIGHT NOW.

    Don’t sweat your stats. It’s summertime. People are outside doing things. If you need to take a break from blogging, now’s the time! 🙂

    • Thanks, Todd…it’s hard not to take it personally…that’s kind of how I am! I don’t want to take a break, because I don’t want to miss anything! Wendy

    • If stats are important, do not nuke your blog entirely, says the voice of experience. I lost all the subscribers I’d picked up in being FP’ed and lost all my old posts, so I can’t repost them. I also can’t reference them.

      It’s kind of hard to mention my Jedi powers, the Worrier Princess, or the Borg Queen without linking to the posts that those come from. I still think my break was necessary and another long winter with bored and captive readers will eventually come around. Happy Canada Day (now I’m off to find out what that is). Oh, and mmmmmm, shepherd’s pie!

      • I’m definitely not thinking of “nuking my blog”, Hippie…I just wish I had more time to devote to it! I’ve found that I haven’t gained that many subscribers from being FP’d (even three times)…I am happy to have the archives to fall back on right now though! Canada Day is kind of like the American Fourth of July…celebrating our Confederation in 1867. Wendy

  3. I’m also behind on reading and writing blog posts, Wendy. It happens.

    So sorry to hear about your sewage problems. Our basement flooded this week due to a sump pump failure, but your situation sounds far worse. Hope it all gets taken care of soon!

  4. Shepherd’s Pie! Yum. I love that stuff. Also glad to hear you’re on Twitter. Did I get that right? If so find me @claymorganpa

    Sad face is colon+hyphen+left parentheses 🙂

    • I’m on Twitter with the Saint John City Market account, Clay…haven’t done anything personally, and probably won’t. I was joking about the emoticons…I never use them! Wendy

  5. Don’t worry about stats…as a previous commenter said..It’s’s the time to pursue other interests.

  6. We had a blockage once, Wendy. I don’t remember what the blockage was – or if it was just the line wasn’t properly ‘aligned’. In any case, Rob and his Dad fixed it – digging up the line that leads from the house to the tank. To this very day, Rob cannot stand the smell of Tide laundry detergent. (smile)

    I love the fact that you nearly went to work with your slippers. I had to call Rob earlier this week, as he had left his shoes on the chair by the dinning room table. He was 15 minutes from home – barefoot – assuming his shoes were in the car. Nope.

    Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Lenore

  7. Wendy your life certainly is hectic now. And all those workmen – wellm as Fladers and Swann sang “It all makes work for the working man to do”.

  8. I forgot to say that I hadn’t considered the stats. I too am so far behind with my reading of others’ blogs. Must do some catch up today.
    And sorry for the mistakes in the earlier comment.

  9. You’ve read my posts about stats so I won’t go there. I’m as obsessed as everyone! I don’t know anything about septic systems other than thank god ours has never had a problem… knock on wood! I do know about bookstores and that’s a hell of a sale $1000.00! Good job Dad. And shepard’s pie is one of my fav’s!!

    • Sadly, those customers only come in every few years, Steve (although seeing the mess they left today, I’m rather glad)…that is the most money they’ve ever dropped at one time though! Wendy

  10. My stats have also been in the toilet, and though all my blogging friends are being FP-ed left and right, I’ve not been in 7 months! Woe is me!

    Hang in there. I’m loving the archived posts!


    • Thanks for the encouragement, Kathy! I don’t find being FP’d does a lot for me in terms of sustained traffic…most of those extra hits only last a couple of days…very few actually stick around and subscribe! You seem to have a good solid audience for your blog…I prefer having regulars too! Hugs, Wendy

  11. With everything you have going on, heading off to work in your slippers doesn’t seem so shocking. Happy Canada Day.

    • It was really strange, Charles, even for me! I didn’t do that when I was working two jobs for a total of 80 hours a week! I have to work Canada Day, because the Market is open, but I will be sneaking out for a few minutes to hear Hope and her friend Gabrielle sing “Oh Canada” at the Canada Day cake-cutting ceremony at Market Square! Hope we have good weather! Wendy

  12. Plumbing problems are the worst, Wendy! One feels so helpless amid all those mysterious pipes! You’re lucky you had a clean, convenient place to go to in the meantime. Oh, and don’t bother stressing over stats. It’s amazingly hard keeping up when the sunshine and outdoors beckon!

  13. Hi Wendy,

    Would you hate me if I laughed? With you and not at you? I know I’ve done something almost as remarkable as wearing my slippers out the door, but I can’t remember what it was!

    We had septic problems last week, too! Though not of that variety. Was there a full moon recently … over the toilet? Ha, Ha. Sorry. This potty humor is the result of my moving-inflicted insanity.

    My stats have taken a hit with my hiatus. It was just humanely impossible for me to write and read while getting ready to put the house on the market and pack. Life happens. Like Todd said, don’t sweat the stats. I’ve found that bloggers are an understanding and compassionate bunch.

    Hang in there! Somehow, I think that spending time with adorable little Elise may have made everything better? She’s darling!



  14. Glad your plumbing problems were resolved! Who needs plumbing problems anytime but when you are already swamped plumbing issues can put you over the top.
    I love twitter and used it a lot back in the days for Camp Run A Pup but I like Facebook better so have not done much with twitter around blogging. There are so many hours in the day. . Blogging is my hobby and I found it made me to anxious and wasn’t much fun if I cared about numbers. So i stopped caring; I look at my stats once a week or so…I do enjoy the interaction that comes with comments.

    • Thanks, Katybeth! I consider comments the “payment” for my writing, so I guess I get a little blue when I don’t have as many of them!

      I like Facebook better than Twitter too, but haven’t had as much time for it since I started blogging!


  15. Wendy, there’s just not enough time to do it all. I try, but I’m running out of hands to juggle it all. Yikes. Your septic problems sound awful. Hope the job’s going well.

    • Thanks, Monica…starting another work week today…hope for a relatively quiet one! There’s only one cruise ship in this week, at least.

      Thanks for commiserating! Wendy

  16. TBM

    Oh boy I wish I could wear my slippers to work and my pjs. I might actually enjoy work. Might.

    • Take my word for it, TBM…it would have caused quite a stir at work if I had come with my slippers! I walk up and down the Market 10 or 15 times a day! Thanks for reading! Wendy

  17. jacquelincangro

    Wow, that plumbing problem sounds terrible. Just what you didn’t need on that day, I’m sure. Glad it’s resolved now.

    Congrats on that big sale at the bookstore. That was a sweet surprise.

    I’m glad to hear that Elise is now friends with Jake. I bet Jake is happy Elise is leaving all sorts of goodies for him.

    Have a great week at work and Happy Canada Day!

    • Thanks, Jacquelin…I think it’s the ultimate in irony to live in a house with four bathrooms, and not be able to use any of them! I’m glad Jake likes Elise a bit now too…I still don’t trust him though…we’re very careful when she visits! I have to work Canada Day…I’m hoping for good weather so it will be busy in the Market! Wendy

  18. Great post and yes have been tired enough to go out in slippers and had to go back for shoes! Followed you here from Judith’s shout out! I’m hooked!

    • Welcome to Hammond River, Chris! I appreciate your kind words! Please feel free to check out the archives…I’m in a bit of flux right now because I have a new job, so am posting new pieces only once a week. Wendy

  19. Since I just met thee, archives certainly are not an issue. So sorry about the plumbing…thank goodness your parents can help.

  20. I need to find you on twitter! I’m @annie6rc. Look me up if you have a chance.
    Whenever you mention your bookstore I go all dreamy and imagine what it would be like if I could work there. I need to work in a bookstore when my kids are a bit older!
    I’d love to hear your tips for building readership. Mine seemed to be growing and now is stagnant. Maybe it’s summer.
    I enjoy the reposts since I’m a new reader to your blog! Sorry if I’m not the best at commenting. Man. Summer seems to be the culprit sucking the life out of me. LOL

    • Thanks, Annie for your kind words…I haven’t gone on Twitter personally or with the bookstore yet, just with the Saint John City Market…still not sure if I will! Will definitely look you up if I do though! Thanks for reading! Wendy

  21. Hey Wendy, I know what you mean about working and not being able to keep up … my blog is suffering as a result of my inactivity, and I feel out of touch with all the lovely bloggers that I usually follow. I also wish I had more hours in a day. Anyway, I hope you’re enjoying your job and that it’s worth it for you!
    Hugs from London
    Sunshine xx

    • I figured you could relate, Sunshine…the job is all right…at least it’s in my field! Pay is not great for what I do, but hopefully it will allow me to network my way into another one when this job is over! Hugs, Wendy

  22. Summertime is slow, and here’s to working solo! My business is off right now. Wendy–love your posts–no worries about regularity, esp. during this season!

  23. The Jagged Man

    I am sorry you are having trouble with the yard. I have deer in my area but my garden this year lacks , um, flavor I guess because they won’t touch it! Enjoyed the post though I wish you had taken a picture of the Shepherds Pie: My favorite comfort food I make for the Bride and I!

  24. Missed you. I have to admit i haven’t been reading your archived posts but I am generally behind in my reading too, must be summer. Try those ribs, they aren’t spicy hot.

  25. Welcome back! It’s good to know from other seasoned bloggers that readership just naturally dwindles this time of year. I know for me, I have been outside working on a big garden and other gardening chores, plus a trip to Cape May then Boston. SO, I have read less and written less, that’s all, and other’s are apparently doing the same. Enjoy the season and your garden.


  26. Great new post! Your older work rocks, as well.

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