It’s All About You…Twenty Questions…

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I’m curious to see how much I have in common with the folks who read my blog…here are my answers to twenty random questions:

City life or country life? Country life.  I returned to the country 2 1/2 years ago after living in the city for 24 years.  I love it!

Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique furniture.  Quality construction and beautiful woodwork combined with amazing fabrics is my idea of heaven!

Abstract art or traditional art? Abstract art.  Picasso is one of my favourite artists.

Cook or order out? Cook.  I’d rather cook it myself than eat in a restaurant.

Traveller or homebody? Homebody.  I usually travel only to see family or friends, although I do want to go to Tuscany, Italy some day!

Hotel or cottage? Cottage.  I like the privacy, and cooking for ourselves.

Sentimental or pragmatic? Sentimental.  I have every letter and card I’ve ever received, and every ticket/programme for every show I’ve been to!

Impulsive or cautious? Cautious.  I always think things through first.

Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger.  It’s the law in Saint John.

Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist.  I hate conflict, and run from it at every opportunity.

Leader or follower? Leader.  I’ve always been independent.

Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper.  I’m afraid of getting caught!

Extrovert or introvert? Introvert, most of the time.   I do enjoy talking to new people though.

Coordinated or clumsy? Clumsy.  As in, “Don’t give her anything breakable to carry!”

Fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction.  I read fiction, but I like true stories better.

Rock music or country music? Rock music.  I like some country, as long as it’s not “twangy.”

Singer or listener? Singer.  I can sing, but no one is going to pay me big bucks to perform.

Movies or TV? TV.  There are very few movies that I want to pay $10 to see.  I’d rather watch TV.

Drama or comedy? Comedy.  I’d rather laugh than cry!

Actor or audience? Audience.  I love live drama, but am not an actor!


Now it’s your turn…here are the questions again…copy and paste into the comment section, and fill in your answers!  Don’t be shy!

City life or country life?

Antique furniture or modern furniture?

Abstract art or traditional art?

Cook or order out?

Traveller or homebody?

Hotel or cottage?

Sentimental or pragmatic?

Impulsive or cautious?

Hugger or “don’t touch me”?

Fighter or pacifist?

Leader or follower?

Rule breaker or rule keeper?

Extrovert or introvert?

Coordinated or clumsy?

Fiction or non-fiction?

Rock music or country music?

Singer or listener?

Movies or TV?

Drama or comedy?

Actor or audience?



Filed under blogging, books, cooking, friends, music, self-discovery, travel

60 responses to “It’s All About You…Twenty Questions…

  1. FUN!

    City life or country life? Too hard. Suburbs.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique all the way.

    Abstract art or traditional art? Traditional.

    Cook or order out? Order out if I’m the one cooking!

    Traveller or homebody? Another tough one. I love traveling.

    Hotel or cottage? Hotel.

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Pragmatic although I am nostalgic.

    Impulsive or cautious? Cautiously impulsive.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? I’m one of the greatest huggers in the world. Been perfecting the art for years.

    Fighter or pacifist? I’m a peacemaker.

    Leader or follower? Leader.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? I keep good rules and break bad ones.

    Extrovert or introvert? Extrovert.

    Coordinated or clumsy? Coordinated.

    Fiction or non-fiction? Non fiction guy here.

    Rock music or country music? Rock in the most lopsided question for me so far.

    Singer or listener? Singer. Sometimes even on camera or in the shower. Or both.

    Movies or TV? Movies for me.

    Drama or comedy? Comedy mostly.

    Actor or audience? Actor. Teaching is just a stage show with facts.

    Thanks for the sweet interview!

    • Thanks for the idea, Clay…you’re my first interviewee! Not many surprises here, although I expected you to go with modern furniture and abstract art! It’s not much of a stretch from singing to blogging in the shower! Wendy

    fun post–

    City life or country life? yes

    Antique furniture or modern furniture?
    Abstract art or traditional art? yes

    Cook or order out? yes

    Traveller or homebody? yes

    Hotel or cottage? yes

    Sentimental or pragmatic? yes

    Impulsive or cautious? yes

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? yes

    Fighter or pacifist? yes

    Leader or follower? yes

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? yes

    Extrovert or introvert? yes

    Coordinated or clumsy? yes

    Fiction or non-fiction? yes

    Rock music or country music? yes

    Singer or listener? yes

    Movies or TV? yes

    Drama or comedy? yes

    Actor or audience? yes

  3. City life or country life?Born in the city, live in the country and love it but love to travel to new places city or country.
    Antique furniture or modern furniture?antiques

    Abstract art or traditional art?traditional and black & white photography.

    Cook or order out?Love to cook when I have some time. Used to cook in an Italian restaurant.

    Traveller or homebody?Love to travel

    Hotel or cottage?Cottage or castle would be fine.

    Sentimental or pragmatic?definitely sentimental and worse as I get older.

    Impulsive or cautious?impulsive & daring

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”?hugger for sure

    Fighter or pacifist?Easy going but will fight for the right cause.

    Leader or follower?leader

    Rule breaker or rule keeper?rule breaker

    Extrovert or introvert?Extrovert

    Coordinated or clumsy?Coordinated

    Fiction or non-fiction?
    Both, love historical fiction and biographies
    Rock music or country music?Country

    Singer or listener?Both, Love to sing but not always on key. Love to listen to classical music.

    Movies or TV?movies

    Drama or comedy?Love both. Always up for a good drama or comedy.

    Actor or audience?Have acted in Shakespeare’s MacBeth, Hamlet and Arsenic & Old Lace in high school. Love to be in the audience at plays or musicals.

    • That was interesting, Jeanne…surprised to find you consider yourself a “rulebreaker”! Daring is a “given” for anyone willing to try flying an airplane! Thanks for answering the questions! Wendy

  4. City life or country life? Either. Im living a mix of it right now

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Not picky

    Abstract art or traditional art? I just want to be able to tell what it is!

    Cook or order out? Both. I like cooking, but I’m never going to master Chinese

    Traveller or homebody? Traveller

    Hotel or cottage? Doesnt matter. Clean matters.

    Sentimental or pragmatic?

    Impulsive or cautious? Work, cautious. With friends, impulsive.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist

    Leader or follower? Situational. I can run the show if I need to, but I get that others need to be in charge some times.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper.

    Extrovert or introvert? Strangely, the larger the group, the more im extroverted.

    Coordinated or clumsy? Coordinated

    Fiction or non-fiction? non

    Rock music or country music? Both. Just not opera or rap

    Singer or listener? Listener. My singing is one note, just louder or softer.

    Movies or TV? I rarely go to movies. I miss it, but they go through theaters so fast now

    Drama or comedy? Comedy. Why spend leisure time getting upset and emotional?

    Actor or audience? Ive never acted.

    • This is interesting, Oma…interesting that you skipped the sentimental question…I think you’re probably sentimental. I’m also not a fan of opera or rap. Impulsive…hmmm…the kind of guy who might snap up a Weinermobile if it were the right price? Thanks for answering the questions! Wendy

  5. Jess Witkins

    City life or country life? City, that encompasses a state park/marsh/body of water

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique

    Abstract art or traditional art? traditional

    Cook or order out? Order out mostly, but I like cooking with my honey.

    Traveller or homebody? I’ll travel anywhere, but when I’m home that’s where I’m at, does that make sense?

    Hotel or cottage? hotel

    Sentimental or pragmatic? sentimental. I’ve keeping a diary since I was 13. I have letters, programs, pictures, doodles, you name it.

    Impulsive or cautious? Depends on the crowd I’m in. I can be impulsive, but mostly cautious. I’ll get another tattoo any day, but I don’t want to play sports with you.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugs!

    Fighter or pacifist? Libra, all about balance! Let there be peace! Unless it’s a little civil disobedience, then I’m in!

    Leader or follower? Leader

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper, mostly, unless it’s in the name of a good harmless laugh. i.e. rearranging letters on marquis signs to spell something funny

    Extrovert or introvert? extrovert

    Coordinated or clumsy? clumsy

    Fiction or non-fiction? You can’t make me choose! I pick creative non-fiction. Ha!

    Rock music or country music? I love Rock N Roll, so put another dime in the jukebox baby, I love rock and roll!

    Singer or listener? I sing in the car, I listen everywhere else.

    Movies or TV? MOVIES all day every day!

    Drama or comedy? MOVIES all day every day!

    Actor or audience? actress

    • Interesting answers, Jess…I seem to recall a recent post about your rulebreaking. I don’t think we should play on the same sports team…ever! Thanks for answering the questions! Wendy

  6. I can’t seem to resist these memes!

    City life or country life? If I had to choose, I’d say country. I lived in big cities and I’d always like access to them, but the older I get, the more I want to rest my head in a quiet place where I can see stars.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique, all the way.

    Abstract art or traditional art? Traditional, though not necessarily Realist. Some abstract is okay.

    Cook or order out? Cook.

    Traveller or homebody? I’d travel much more if I could, but I love coming home.

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage.

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Pragmatic, absolutely. If you’d asked me 20 years ago, I might have said otherwise, but only because I didn’t know myself as well back then.

    Impulsive or cautious? Mostly cautious.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger, but shy about giving them.

    Fighter or pacifist? Depends. I’d rather avoid conflict, but when pushed, I’m pretty scrappy 🙂

    Leader or follower? Straggler.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Mostly rule keeper.

    Extrovert or introvert? Introvert, but can pretend otherwise.

    Coordinated or clumsy? Hrm…just when I think I’m clumsy, I meet someone who is truly clumsy, so I think I’d have to say coordinated.

    Fiction or non-fiction? Both.

    Rock music or country music? Rock mostly. Love me some Lyle Lovett, though!

    Singer or listener? In the shower or the car, I’m a diva. Otherwise, a listener.

    Movies or TV? TV

    Drama or comedy? Both equally.

    Actor or audience? I could be both. I was in the drama club in school, and in a way, teaching is acting, but I never feel the need to be the actor. I’m just as happy in the audience.

    What all this tells me is that, as with many things in my life, I live somewhere in the middle of most dichotomies! 🙂

  7. There’s some kind of disorder I have that makes me argue with myself over questions like this. The bottom line is that it almost always depends on the circumstances. But I will say that I consider myself an outgoing introvert. How’s that?

  8. Love this. A lot of this doesn’t surprise me at all! 😉

    Here’s mine: a bit of both of most. Confusing? That’s me!

  9. I’m with Jane on this one–depends on the time of the month! Totally! Brilliant idea for a post, Wendy!

  10. What a fun post. Here you go, my friend…we have a lot in common, but we already knew that. Hugs, Diane

    City life or country life? Country though I live in the burbs

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique

    Abstract art or traditional art? Abstract

    Cook or order out? Hate to cook

    Traveller or homebody? Homebody

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Sentimental

    Impulsive or cautious? Cautious

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist

    Leader or follower? Leader

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper

    Extrovert or introvert? A little of both

    Coordinated or clumsy? Oh, clumsy for sure

    Fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction

    Rock music or country music? Both

    Singer or listener? Listener though I do sing much to my children’s delight:)

    Movies or TV? TV although I love a good romantic comedy

    Drama or comedy? Comedy

    Actor or audience? Audience

    • Not many surprises there, Diane! I cook enough for both of us! You’ve got that organization problem I have licked with your collection of sticky notes for sure… Hugs, Wendy

  11. City life or country life? I prefer country life, so I live in the last suburb before corn fields.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antiques

    Abstract art or traditional art? Abstract

    Cook or order out? It depends on how tired I am

    Traveller or homebody? Both. I love traveling, but I love coming home.

    Hotel or cottage? cottage

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Pragmatic

    Impulsive or cautious? Cautious

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”?Hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? I like to debate…

    Leader or follower? follower

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Obsessive rule keeper

    Extrovert or introvert? Introextrovert

    Coordinated or clumsy? ridiculously clumsy

    Fiction or non-fiction? FICTION!!

    Rock music or country music? Can’t we pick a different genre?

    Singer or listener? Listener

    Movies or TV? Movies

    Drama or comedy? Comedy

    Actor or audience? Audience

  12. City life or country life? Country

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antiques

    Abstract art or traditional art? Both

    Cook or order out? Order out

    Traveller or homebody? Both

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Both.

    Impulsive or cautious? Again. Both.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? Ugh. Both.

    Leader or follower? *sigh* Both

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Keeper (more often than not.)

    Extrovert or introvert? Depends on the mood

    Coordinated or clumsy? Clumsy

    Fiction or non-fiction? non-fiction

    Rock music or country music? Both

    Singer or listener? Singer

    Movies or TV? Movies

    Drama or comedy? Both

    Actor or audience? Audience

  13. Ironic Mom

    An invitation to talk about myself? How sad is it that I love these questionnaires!

    City life or country life? City, near country (you can take the girl off the farm)

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? A combo: antique Asian furniture with contemporary lines, preferably Indonesian or Thai

    Abstract art or traditional art? I go both ways.

    Cook or order out? Cook. Or eat in a restaurant.

    Traveller or homebody? Traveler. Queen Wanderlust.

    Hotel or cottage? Short stay: hotel. Long stay: cottage (with amenities)

    Sentimental or pragmatic? I have no idea. What do you think? (easy way out)

    Impulsive or cautious? Cautious with objects, impulsive with words.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger. Most definitely.

    Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist.

    Leader or follower? Leader.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper, until I know which ones need to be broken.

    Extrovert or introvert? Extrovert.

    Coordinated or clumsy? Coordinated.

    Fiction or non-fiction? 60% Fiction, 25% Memoir, 15% Humour/Writing

    Rock music or country music? Rock.

    Singer or listener? Talker.

    Movies or TV? Movies.

    Drama or comedy? Drama, usually. I like me a good cathartic cry.

    Actor or audience? Pass the spotlight.

    Fab questions!


    • Thanks, Leanne, for answering the questions! I love Asian furniture too! Wow…percentages on the reading question…do you teach math? Hmm…a “talker”…I guess you won’t be doing backup vocals for Chase on his next video then (maybe you can lip-synch!). Wendy

  14. I was worried at first we didn’t have ANYTHING in common, but then it started picking up towards the end!

    City life or country life? City, hands down! I love skyscrapers, I love the anonymity, I think, too. If I were to run into someone on a country road, I’d feel obliged to make awkward conversation, lol

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? I’d lean more toward modern, I think

    Abstract art or traditional art? Both. I love my Turner as much as I love Klimt, and Kandinsky and Modigliani adorned my parents’ walls growing up. But there are some pieces that are a little TOO “abstract” for me – those red-square-on-a-big-white-canvas type things that go for thousands.

    Cook or order out? Order out! I have no patience for cooking, but thankfully my husband is a lovely cook 🙂

    Traveller or homebody? Traveller, hands down! One lifetime is not enough to see all the amazing things on this planet of ours

    Hotel or cottage? Hotel

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Sentimental. I’m a big baby

    Impulsive or cautious? Impulsive

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Very much a hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? Both, but more fighter, as in I am not afraid to take a stand and speak up if the situation warrants it – it’s got me fired before, but at least I’ve gone down knowing I had the proverbial balls to stand up for what was right 🙂

    Leader or follower? I’d like to be the former, and I try to be, in my own, small little way, but I’m not quite there yet

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Both

    Extrovert or introvert? Right in the middle

    Coordinated or clumsy? Clumsy

    Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction. I adore ventures of imagination

    Rock music or country music? Rock. Cannot stand country!!

    Singer or listener? That’s a bizarre set; am I the only one that thinks it should be TALKER or listener? Can I say both??

    Movies or TV? TV. I don’t have patience for movies most times, and going out to see one is expensive and usually full of morons with their phones on or their feet in the back of my chair! Although once in a while, for a GREAT movie, it’s worth it. Like Source Code #recommendation

    Drama or comedy? Comedy, but I’ll be a snob and say it has to be a Britcom 🙂

    Actor or audience? Audience, definitely!

    • Thanks, Emily, for answering the questions! There are certainly people who should never sing, which is why the other alternative was “listener”. I love “Britcoms”: have you seen “The IT Crowd”? I wish they made more than six episodes a year!


  15. So this is me:

    City life most of the time but there are days that I really miss the small town of the 60s that I grew up in.
    Antique furniture, seeking a really big, really old roll top desk.
    Abstract art or traditional art? Any kind of art.
    Cook or order out? If I could afford it I would hire a chef as I’m only a passable cook.
    Hotel. I’m all about being taken care of.
    Pragmatic. Cautious.
    Definitely a “don’t touch me” sort of person.
    Pacifist, follower, rule keeper, Introvert.
    Clumsy, I can walk across a perfectly flat surface and sprain an ankle.
    Fiction or non-fiction? I’ll read anything, right now, I’m on a memoir kick.
    Rock music or country music? Indie, folk, rockabilly, zydeco. I like the eclectic.
    Movies or TV? Right now, mostly TV as movies are expensive.
    Drama, mostly cop shows.
    Actor or audience? I acted once and once was quite enough.

    • Interesting answers, Gigi…thanks for taking the time to do the quiz!
      My paternal grandfather had a huge rolltop desk…I wish I had it now!
      You’re the first person to admit not being comfortable with hugging! Our musical tastes are very similar…I love all the things you mentioned, as well as blues!


  16. thejaggedman

    City life or country life? Country with an occasional weekend pass to the

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Used furniture with character: I
    am to hard on furniture so I would feel bad ruining an antique.

    Abstract art or traditional art? Art in general. My grandmother painted traditional style paintings so I love traditional artist. But I have friends who do abstract and I am learning to appreciate the work behind the art.

    Cook or order out? Cook whether it’s mine or some of my friends home cooked meals are the best.

    Traveller or homebody? Homebody unless the invent teleporting (?) like they had on Star Trek I prefer my home base the best.

    Hotel or cottage?Cottage or a bed & breakfast.

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Sentimental at first but in the rear-view mirror I am probably tilt more toward being pragmatic.

    Impulsive or cautious? Yes. Just depends on the day

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? Just depends on what the situation calls for but prefer peaceful resolutions first, compromise secondly and fight (or flight to fight another day) lastly.

    Leader or follower? Follower. My life’s skill set is to be a helper or stay out of the way.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper mostly.

    Extrovert or introvert? Introvert somewhat with a hint of extrovert much to my wife’s chagrin.

    Coordinated or clumsy?Clumsy

    Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction or books of historic record.

    Rock music or country music? I love music! It is my oldest friend and I have a love for music as long as it is music nit noise. But rock well ROCKS!

    Singer or listener? I have a face for radio and a voice for drumming ( I play the drums by the way so now maybe that comment may make a little sense).

    Movies or TV? TV

    Drama or comedy? Comedy. Life is and has always been filled with enough drama that I do not want to watch it for entertainment.

    Actor or audience? Audience though I was in the ensemble that played for Big River once. I enjoy playing musically for others but leave acting to those who desire to do so.

    • Interesting answers, JM…it’s good to get to know you better. I also love music and art! Some of my best friends are in radio (including my ex-husband)…we met when I was in school taking Broadcast Journalism. I’m totally with you on the “drama”…I’ve got enough in my real life to want to watch somebody else’s!

      Thanks for answering the questions!


  17. City life or country life? Country life for me now, I lived in a City most of my life and I work in one, so now I commute week days and enjoy the country weekends.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique – unless I make it myself. Most modern furniture isn’t even made out of proper wood.

    Abstract art or traditional art? Traditional, I like to understand it ( ex hubby used to have Dali prints all over the place and I found them distressing. )

    Cook or order out? Cook unless it’s a really nice place.

    Traveller or homebody? A bit of both, it’s wonderful to visit places but I love my home too much to go far.

    Hotel or cottage? For a walking holiday a Hotel because I know I’ll be shattered and not want to cook, for a long holiday it has to be a cottage – I can only cope with eating out for a short time!

    Sentimental or pragmatic? A bit of both.

    Impulsive or cautious? Again a bit of both depending on the circumstances.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger and kisser always.. very odd not to although I don’t like ‘air kissing’.

    Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist, I hate arguments.

    Leader or follower? Mainly a leader but I’m happy to tag along as well.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper

    Extrovert or introvert? Although I’m really shy I’m an extrovert.

    Coordinated or clumsy? Unless I’m really tired I’m coordinated.

    Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction it’s my way of escaping.

    Rock music or country music? Any music as long as I can understand it.

    Singer or listener? Painfully for anyone near a singer, nothing better than to have my ipod playing when I’m cooking and singing along to it ( and normally dancing away at times.. Brian loves to watch me cooking ).

    Movies or TV? Nothing better than cuddling up with a good movie.

    Drama or comedy? Depends what mood I’m in, it’s good to laugh but it’s good to get stuck into a good period drama too.

    Actor or audience? Audience, way too shy to get up on stage anymore.

    • Thanks for answering the questions, egills! It’s nice to hear from you!

      I totally agree with you about modern furniture…factory made crap!

      I’m a bit partial to Dali…we just sold a fun book at the store not long ago that he’d written and illustrated called “Dali’s Mustache.”

      “Air kissing”…yuck!

      I love to have music on when I’m cooking too…the dancing embarrasses my kids (bonus!).


  18. Giving bloggers an unabashed reason to write about themselves? You are just too kind and wonderful for words, Wendy! Let me at it …


    City life or country life? Country M-F, city Saturday & Sunday (if only in my dreams)

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique – I like old things and that’s why I married a guy 10 years older

    Abstract art or traditional art? Both, depending on the artists

    Cook or order out? Order out – I burn boiling water

    Traveller or homebody? Traveller! Wanderlust is my favorite word

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage – as Amiable Amiable as I am, I don’t like people bothering me on vacation (screaming children in the hotel room next door or running up and down the halls)

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Strangely, the older I get, the more pragmatic and less sentimental I’m becoming

    Impulsive or cautious? Depends on the situation, like if I’m shopping for clothes (impulsive) or if I were asked to bungee jump (cautious)

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger, unless someone is creepy

    Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist

    Leader or follower? With my husband, a leader (nag), with friends, a follower (this got me into a lot of trouble in high school, by the way!)

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper, unless I see a way to weasel my way to the front of a line (shhhhh!) … note that there is a different between weaseling and cutting

    Extrovert or introvert? Introvert

    Coordinated or clumsy? Clumsy – I trip over my own shadow, really

    Fiction or non-fiction? Both

    Rock music or country music? Rock

    Singer or listener? Oh, God, listener! You don’t want me singing!

    Movies or TV? Movies, except for An Idiot Abroad, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Breaking Bad, True Blood, and The Office (eclectic enough?)

    Drama or comedy? Comedy

    Actor or audience? Audience

    • I love your answer on the furniture question, AA!

      Have you done any posts on your blog about the art that you like? I’d be interested in seeing them!

      I cook and sing enough for both of us…

      Creepy people aren’t allowed to touch me either!

      From the responses, I’ve come to the conclusion that there will never be a “Hammond River” athletic team made up of my readers (unless the sport is hugging!)…

      Thanks for answering the questions!


  19. Kim Woehl

    City life or country life? Country life! I grew up on a small hobby farm in Minnesota

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Some of each! Low leaning toward anything cozy!

    Abstract art or traditional art? Traditional

    Cook or order out? I cook 3 meals at home each day as part of my work, when I can order out, its like entertainment! I love it!

    Traveller or homebody? I love to travel so long as its not to the local store to buy necessities.

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage for sure. I like the privacy and the quiet!

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Hugely sentimental. A savor of moments in time, photos, and memories.

    Impulsive or cautious? Definitely the cautious type. I push myself to be a bit more impulsive and sometimes I am.

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Love to be hugged, its a bit harder for me to make that move however.

    Fighter or pacifist? Hmmm, depends. If I am passionate about it, definitely a fighter!

    Leader or follower? Leader – follow me!

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? It’s all about the rules. Probably a bit too much so.

    Extrovert or introvert? introvert, but I can play the part of an extrovert when necessary or part of my work.

    Coordinated or clumsy? clumsy

    Fiction or non-fiction? both so long as they grab my attention

    Rock music or country music? while I listen to both, pop seems to fit me best.

    Singer or listener? I love to sing!

    Movies or TV? New question, home or theater. I love to attend the theater and eat the buttery popcorn. A good movie watched from my cozy bed is really nice too occasionally. This is especially true if I get to cuddle.

    Drama or comedy? Can’t I have both?

    Actor or audience? Audience

    • Welcome to Hammond River, Kim…my friend, Jeanne (flyinggma) lives in Minnesota too!

      If you cook 3 meals a day at home, I’m guessing you have small children…glad I get away with one!

      I’m pretty anal about rules myself…we had a customer ask us today to falsify an amount on a customs form for a $150 book…we said, “No” and will probably lose the sale. C’est la vie!

      Yet another “non-starter” for our HR sports team!

      Cuddling anywhere is always good!

      I’ll send you some of my drama!

      Thanks for answering the questions!


  20. In a word, I am “indecisive” — always have been. Here are those that I could bring myself to answer either way.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique

    Cook or order out? loathe cooking

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? hugger

    Coordinated or clumsy? Coordinated

    Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction

    Rock music or country music?Rock

    These answers may be withdrawn at any moment. 😉

  21. I’m with you on non-fiction, probably because I’ve read so much bad fiction over the years. There’s nothing like a good, serious novel, but so many novels have what someone once described as “idiot plots,” meaning, the story would be over in 5 minutes if the characters weren’t idiots. Or else, the author heaps more-or-less random problems on his charactors then resolves them neatly at the end.

  22. I love it, Wendy! This post shows that you’ve represented yourself very well in your blog because your answers all seemed so fitting.

    My answers:

    City life
    Antique OR modern furniture, as long as it’s comfortable
    Abstract AND traditional art
    I love cook. Carry-out is nice, too.
    Hotel AND cottage – because in either case, I’m obviously somewhere new
    Impulsive about trivial things, cautious about what’s important
    Leader AND follower
    Rule keeper
    I like Renee’s answer: Extroverted introvert
    Coordinated AND clumsy
    (Indy) rock music
    Audience, although I used to act

    • Thanks, Maura…being honest is pretty important to me! I don’t see many surprises in your answers either…I think you’re far more adventurous than I am (most Aries people are!). It doesn’t surprise me that you used to act either! How can one be coordinated and clumsy (I suppose I’m pretty good at steering my fork to my mouth)? Hugs, Wendy

  23. City life or country life?
    Antique furniture or modern furniture?
    Abstract art or traditional art?
    Cook or order out?
    Order out.
    Traveller or homebody?
    Homebody. Definitely.
    Hotel or cottage?
    Sentimental or pragmatic?
    Impulsive or cautious?
    Hugger or “don’t touch me”?
    Don’t touch me – with some exceptions.
    Fighter or pacifist?
    Leader or follower?
    Rule breaker or rule keeper?
    Breaker – for sure!
    Extrovert or introvert?
    Coordinated or clumsy?
    Fiction or non-fiction?
    Fiction – Non is boring!
    Rock music or country music?
    Singer or listener?
    Movies or TV?
    Both! Okay, TV.
    Drama or comedy?
    Actor or audience?

    • Interesting, Hook…it’s fun to get to know you better! I’m assuming that “douchebags” aren’t the exception when it comes to hugging? LOL! Non-fiction is boring? Not when it’s written right… Thanks for answering the questions! Wendy

  24. City life or country life? City life is the life for me.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Distressed furniture

    Abstract art or traditional art? My kids art.

    Cook or order out? Order out or better yet go out.

    Traveller or homebody? Homebody

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Sentimental

    Impulsive or cautious? Impulsive

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? I need time to get to know you.

    Fighter or pacifist? Depends. I can shoot a gun or buy cookies.

    Leader or follower? Leader.

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Shitty about rules.

    Extrovert or introvert? Introvert. yes really.

    Coordinated or clumsy? I can juggle 10 dogs bowls in front of 10 leaping spinning dogs but still trip over my feet at times.

    Fiction or non-fiction? FIction. Trash. Penny Dreadfuls.

    Rock music or country music? Easy listening.

    Singer or listener? Listener.

    Movies or TV? Internet. No TV. Some movies.

    Drama or comedy? Fun, entertaining. Might be drama-might be comedy.

    Actor or audience? Player.

    Mostly it depends on who I am with, how well I know them, and what my mood is on any given day! I am always surprised by your love and knowledge of rock music. 🙂

    • Thanks for answering the questions, Katybeth! No surprise on your answer to the cooking question! I pictured you as a hugger…you’re always such a warm person! I have trouble with one dog bowl (even when it’s empty!). I actually know a lot more about folk music than I do rock…


  25. Gosh, it’s been awhile since so many people have been this interested in me! 😉
    City life or country life? Both. I live in the “country” just outside of city limits.

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? A combo of both – modern lines with more of the antique feel as far as patterns/fabrics go.

    Abstract art or traditional art? Abstract painting, traditional photography.

    Cook or order out? Depends on whether I had to do insane amounts of laundry that day. 😉

    Traveller or homebody? Homebody, because traveling means insane amounts of laundry to do when we get home.

    Hotel or cottage? Hotel

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Muy sentimental

    Impulsive or cautious? Cautious

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Definitely a hugger, physical touch is definitely one of my love languages.

    Fighter or pacifist? Depends on the cause – usually pacifist, unless I’m particularly passionate.

    Leader or follower? Leader

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper

    Extrovert or introvert? Definitely extrovert

    Coordinated or clumsy? Clumsy to the point of incapacitation, usually

    Fiction or non-fiction? Probably 85% fiction

    Rock music or country music? Rock

    Singer or listener? Singer. Belter, more accurately.

    Movies or TV? Movies

    Drama or comedy? Comedy

    Actor or audience? Actor. I kinda love being the center of attention.

    Fun post, Wendy!

    • Thanks, Jess, for answering the questions! It’s fun to get to know you better! I can relate to “insane amounts of laundry”! “clumsy to the point of incapacitation”…I wonder if there’s a T-shirt for that? Movies…who would have thought? LOL! Wendy

  26. City life or country life? Country

    Antique furniture or modern furniture? Antique

    Abstract art or traditional art? Traditional

    Cook or order out? Cook

    Traveller or homebody? Homebody

    Hotel or cottage? Cottage

    Sentimental or pragmatic? Sentimental

    Impulsive or cautious? Cautious

    Hugger or “don’t touch me”? Hugger

    Fighter or pacifist? Pacifist

    Leader or follower? Follower

    Rule breaker or rule keeper? Rule keeper most times

    Extrovert or introvert? Introvert

    Coordinated or clumsy? Coordinated

    Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction

    Rock music or country music? All kinds of music actually.

    Singer or listener? Singer

    Movies or TV? Could probably do without both

    Drama or comedy? Comedy. I like to laugh

    Actor or audience? Audience

    Hmmmm..seeing it all there makes me want to shout BORING.. Hehe. Of course I’ve never thought my life was that exciting. Now I know for certain it isn’t. That was fun, Wendy.

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