Has Anyone Seen My Dashboard?…or…She’s BAAACK!

The report of my death was an exaggeration.”  Mark Twain

I actually wasn’t dead, just working so much that Blogland was like Never Never Land…a place I never had time to visit.  That chapter in my life is now finished – the temporary, seven-week job turned into seven months with a somewhat disappointing ending – I didn’t get the permanent position!  However, certain facts came to light during the last month as I was training my replacement (yes – I’m that nice much of a patsy), and I’m rather glad someone else will have to deal with those “challenges” (which is corporate speak for things that are FUBARed).  I had a lovely going away party, and have made several wonderful friends.  I expect to be happily unemployed at least for the next few weeks…getting a new job in December is next to impossible!

So, WordPress has been changing things around while I’ve been gone…I really had to search to locate my Dashboard!  Once I get this post written, I hope to get around and visit all my blogging buddies and at least read their latest posts (sadly, I deleted more than 1500 unread e-mails this morning – they were stressing me out – best to start fresh!).  I’ve missed everyone so much…please forgive me if I’m ignorant of what’s been happening in your lives lately!

Okay…so in my last post, some (gulp!) four months ago, the deer had totalled my garden (it’s still completely useless, and the grass the landscapers planted in my devastated back yard isn’t growing!).  Jim and Devin have replaced the fence that was ruined, but we will definitely have to make it higher with wire, as the deer still sail over it like Olympic high jumpers (I refuse to award medals – it’s too hard to get the deer to stand still to put them around their necks!).  Ironically, to control the ballooning deer population, the powers that be in our province decided to allow hunting them with crossbows during the gun hunting season.  To protect our family and our dog, we bought multiple “No Hunting” signs at the Dollar Store and posted them around the perimeter of our (landlord’s) property.

Jim and the girls returned safely from their amusement park vacation (without me!), although there was a slight mishap which involved Hope losing $40 cash which she had placed in the cupholder of the van for “safekeeping”.  When the van door was opened near the top of Mt. Washington, the wind carried the money away (some $80 in total).  Jim scrambled down an embankment to save one $20 bill, while another two sailed over the cliff.  The last was later found by Anna on the floor of the van.  When I asked Hope why she didn’t have the money in her purse, she told me that she was afraid of being mugged: “Americans are sketchy, and they carry guns!” (please don’t take this personally…Hope’s 13, and she watches way too much Criminal Minds!).

Hope, Brianna and Anna drinking fruit smoothies at Cora's...

My granddaughter, Elise, celebrated her second birthday on September 9th.  Kaylee and Scott had a barnyard-themed party for her.

Menu for the Party


Elise wearing the sweater Gramma got for her...the tiara was not my purchase!


A few days after the party, Elise made an announcement on Facebook:

Elise has some news...

Everyone is very excited!  The new kid has some big shoes to fill…Elise is a tough act to follow!  She’s PERFECT, and I’m not just saying that because I’m her Gramma (well, maybe I am!).  I don’t know of many kids who know all of the alphabet (as well as punctuation marks), and the sound each letter makes, before their second birthday!

This is getting a little long, and I’m getting hungry for lunch…I will leave you with this amusing anecdote from a couple of weeks ago:  I was talking to a single woman friend of “a certain age” who was lamenting the difficulty of finding a suitable partner for casual “whoopee”.  “I don’t want to get married,” she said.  “I just want an occasional roll in the hay, but I don’t want to be one of those…what do you call them?…JAGUARS!”




Filed under blogging, family, friends, gardening, nature, satire

58 responses to “Has Anyone Seen My Dashboard?…or…She’s BAAACK!

  1. OMG! I’m so happy to hear from you. I have missed you, Wendy————–

  2. Welcome back! I was gonna be offended by Hope’s perception of American as a sketchy land filled with muggers, but if I knew American only by its TV shows, I’d think the same thing, too. The truth is we’re a lot like Canadians, if Canadians weren’t always so polite and didn’t say, “Eh.”

    • Thanks, Todd! I’m glad to be back too! Sadly, that was Hope’s first trip to the U.S., although we’re planning to visit our family in Ohio next summer (my first time “home” in more than 20 years)…my relatives are pretty nice (and nary a mugger among ’em!). Wendy

  3. This is too funny! Just a couple of days ago I was thinking of you and I went to visit your site in case you had posted and I wasn’t notified about it. And now, here you are! Back where you belong! Welcome home! It’s been too long!

  4. Good to hear from you again, Wendy. Congrats on the news of grandchild #2. And the jaguar thing made me laugh.

  5. Leanne Shirtliffe

    Welcome back, Wendy! And great news about #2!!

  6. I just clicked on your site this morning to see if perhaps you had anything new. Then I bumped into a comment you had just made on another site. Welcome back! Your wallpaper is so familiar. So sorry to hear the tale of the $80…ouch.

  7. So glad you are back. I think it’s quite OK to delete 1500 emails – we are not offended in any way. I am sure like you (and me) we have all been known to look at the in box and just say sorry but you have to go.
    And I’m sorry your short term job didn’t morph into a long time position. And how rude of them to ask you and how generous of you to train your replacement. That deserves an award in itself. Give yourself one of the deer-jumping medals.

  8. Good for you for being strong enough to delete. I know how hard that can be.

  9. I’m so glad you’re back! We’ve missed you … and I’ve been dying to tell you that I am a “Holy Crap” convert — that stuff’s ‘da bomb’ (pardon the pun .. hee hee). You were sure nice to train your replacement; sorry the job didn’t work out as you’d hoped ..

    The Jaguar story is hilarious! 🙂 Thanks for sharing .. MJ

  10. Welcome back, Wendy! Sorry the job situation didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped but, hey, it gives you LOTS of things to post about, huh?! Congrats on the new addition!

  11. Yay! Welcome back!

    Hope’s right…but there are a lot more baddies looking in van windows for stuff to take than people who take from folks. Ok, enough from professional me

    yay, Welcome back!

  12. Yay!! Hoorah!!! Whooo hoooo!!

  13. Missed you missed you missed you!

  14. Welcome back, Wendy! So good to ‘see’ you again! Congrats on Elise’s pending sister or brother. And, the jaguar comment was HILARIOUS!!
    Looking forward to hearing from you more frequently!

  15. Welcome back, Wendy! And many congrats on #2. What a cute way to announce it. Now, stop reading, and start writing!

  16. jacquelincangro

    Yay! Wendy’s back! Sounds like you’ve had a busy few months. And I’m looking forward to hearing all about it.
    Congratulations on your new grandbaby.

  17. Welcome back, my friend. You have been missed. Congratulations on grandbaby #2!! ❤ Diane

  18. Hi Wendy, Welcome back! So glad to have you back here in the blogging world — and I think it was a brilliant move to delete those 1500 emails. Life moves on, and you’re right. Start with the fresh stuff. 🙂 Thanks for the updates, and though I’m sorry you didn’t get the job (or am I? Sounds like you’re better off without!) I’m glad you have a chance now to relax and enjoy the holidays. And get back to blogging!

  19. I”d been checking in to see if you were posting again. Just yesterday I finally thought to check comments on that last post and saw a comment and your reply that was from earlier in the day that suggested you would be posting again soon. I was psyched 🙂 Very glad to have you back!

  20. That cash was from you? I thought it just dropped from the sky as a reward for hiking.

  21. Welcome back!!! I, too, have been on hiatus. Life vs. Blogging. Hence, awake at 3:53 a.m. and catching up on my blog reading. Congratulations on Elise’s news! How exciting! I’m sorry about the job – but try to consider the time to enjoy the holidays a “gift” in itself. (I know, not easy – but sometimes necessary … and all we can do …to adjust our perspective a little).

    All the best,

  22. Looks like you’ve jumped right back into things! Welcome back to BloggoVille. And unemployed just in time to tend to all of your holiday duties… BAKING, CLEANING, DECORATING, SHOPPING, COOKING, SHOPPING, wrapping…enjoy!

  23. Welcome back, congrats on the new bambino, sorry about the job and the money, great new picture. Let’s see, did I miss anything? Oh, yeah, glad to see people still serve cow patties at birthday parties.

  24. Hi Wendy! Great to have you back and glad all’s well. I look forward to hearing more about your “adventures.”

  25. Congratulations on the pending arrival and on escaping a job with issues (I’ll have to Google FUBAR but I’m getting the sense that’s best done from home), happy birthday to Princess Elise, and most importantly, welcome back!

    I’m not fully “here” my own self. I know that feeling of thousands of unread emails. . . I can’t wait to win the lottery and blog full time.

    • “FUBARed” is a military term…basically means F***ed Up Beyond All Repair… I’m glad to be back too…I also dream of winning the lottery so I can write (and read) whenever I want to… Wendy

  26. So happy to see a comment in my inbox from you. Congrats on #2, how exciting.

  27. Nice to have you back, Wendy. Working full time and blogging is very challenging indeed. 🙂

  28. Gald you’re back. Each time I’d check your site I’d say “Holy Crap.” It seemed appropriate. But today I said “She’s BAACK!”

    Missed you!

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